Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

How to scatter face with turmeric and honey

In addition to being used as a spice kitchen, turmeric is also famous to brighten a dull face.
Hasil gambar untuk gambar kunyit
Here's how to create it:
A. First, prepare two spoons of turmeric powder and honey
B. Stir the two ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio
D. Then push it on the face. Can be applied by hand or brush.
C. Stir until both ingredients are perfectly mixed
Use regularly to get maximal results.
E. Wait until approximately 20 minutes, after dry then rinse with clean water.
Hopefully useful friends

How to brighten your face with egg whites

Chicken eggs are very easy and cheap to obtain. In addition to good health, eggs also bis used to treat facial skin. Here's how to create it:
A. First, prepare a chicken egg
B. Break and separate between white and yellow

Hasil gambar untuk gambar putih telur
C. Take a little bit of egg whites only
D. Then give a little drop of lemon juice / lemon juice
E. Stir well and apply on face
F. Wait until approximately 20 minutes, after dry then rinse with clean water.
This egg white can be used twice a week and will give good results if used regularly.
Hopefully useful friends 😊

Selasa, 09 Mei 2017

Me with my best friend by ayuwahyuniayu.aw@gmail.com

In this time , i want to introduse my friend but about myself first .
My full name is Sri Wahyuni , just call me Ayu .
I have best friend they are Ida Lestia Ningsih, Nurmaghfirah and the last is Khadijah.
We studies at Lp3i Business College Banda Aceh majoring Computerized Accounting .

Ida is from Nagan Raya , Nur is from Aceh Besar , Khadijah is from Banda Aceh and me too . We are from  different place with  different characters but we Always try to complement each other because that difference makes it beautiful 😀



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